Frequently Asked Questions
1Are frozen products healthy?
In recent years, consumers awareness about frozen food, widespread use of freezers, the increasing number of large markets, product diversity, food consumption, heating, freezing, microwave and household tools and ease of use are factors that increase frozen food consumption.
Frozen foods first appeared for the storage of raw materials at low temperature, but later it was possible to make many ready-made foods ready for individual consumption.
Freezing storage is a storage method that prevents physical, chemical and microbiological spoilage of nutrients by turning the water around the food into ice crystals. In this storage method, changes in the composition, structure, appearance, taste and flavor of foods are stopped or slowed down to last for a long time. When this process is done in very short periods, the loss of nutritional value is less.
The main principle in the protection and storage of foods is the protection and prevention of spoilage of the characteristics of the food when it is fresh. Frozen products, which provide the most ready-to-use food, are also a good choice in today's world, where a healthy life is important because they are protected in the healthiest way. In particular, use of additive method in some products that are not frozen and ready to be sold in order to extend the shelf life and because there is no need for frozen products cause products come to our tables in a more healthy way and frozen products to be preferred.
In general, the preservation of the characteristic features of nutrients such as taste and smell in cold environments to prevent degradation until the consumption stage is defined as cold chain. This chain is vital in the frozen food industry. After freezing at -42°C, the food must be stored and transported in a temperature environment that is reduced to -18°C (this temperature may vary depending on the type of product and the intended storage time) until its consumption. Breaking one of the rings of the chain impairs the quality of the product, affects the quality of the product and poses health risks. It is necessary to choose hard ones such as stone when buying frozen food. Those with ice crystals on them should definitely not be bought. This is proof that the cold chain is broken and is an invitation for food poisoning. The food was dissolved and then frozen again.
2How should I thaw the frozen product?
In general, the quality of frozen foods is closely related to freezing and dissolving processes. Dissolving is usually slower than freezing. When thawing nutrients are not done correctly, they can suffer chemical, physical and microbiological damage. Rapid dissolution at low temperature is particularly desirable to ensure nutrient quality, especially to prevent rapid rise of temperature and excess water loss of nutrients.
Thawing should not be carried out at room temperature, in water, on or under the heating, over a light fire or in sunny places. Thawing should be done by keeping them in the bottom shelves of the refrigerator, tightly wrapped in waterproof nylon bags and kept under flowing cold water or in the thawing program of the microwave oven. Thawed foods should be cooked without waiting.
3How should I keep frozen products until home after purchasing them?
In general, the preservation of the characteristic features of nutrients such as taste and smell in cold environments to prevent degradation until the consumption stage is defined as cold chain. This chain is vital in the frozen food industry. After freezing at -42°C, the food must be stored and transported in a temperature environment that is reduced to -18°C (this temperature may vary depending on the type of product and the intended storage time) until its consumption. Breaking one of the rings of the chain impairs the quality of the product, affects the quality of the product and poses health risks. It is necessary to choose hard ones such as stone when buying frozen food. Those with ice crystals on them should definitely not be bought. This is proof that the cold chain is broken and is an invitation for food poisoning. The food was dissolved and then frozen again.
Taking into consideration the important points mentioned above, our advice is to leave the purchase of frozen products at the end of your grocery shopping, and to place the products in the freezer section at -18°C in your refrigerator as soon as possible after making the purchase. When you get home, please check the products before putting them in the freezer and make sure the products are still not thawed. If you see signs of thawing, you should cook and consume the product immediately.
4What happens if the product is frozen after thawing?
The activities of the microorganisms in the foods that cause the products to deteriorate rapidly are stopped when the products descend to temperature at -18 °C. When frozen products are dissolved, they begin to give out some of the water in their bodies and these microorganisms begin to start functioning again. A large amount of food loss and spoilage causes microorganisms in the product that is kept dissolved for a long time will occur. Frozen products dissolved in this way lose their nutritional value if they are frozen again and are stored in a physical appearance that carries only pulp value.
5How should I cook frozen products?
First, your oven should be heated according to your product to be cooked. After the oven has reached the required cooking temperature, place your tray on the middle shelf where you have placed the products. Placement in the middle section is important for more balanced cooking of the upper and lower sides of the product.
6What should I look out for when baking frozen cookies?
As the cookies are cooked, their volume expands and grows. With this in mind, make sure that the distance between the products and the cookies from the sides of the tray is a minimum of 4-5 cm.
7What is the shelf life of frozen food products?
The shelf life of bakery products is 12 months. It maintains freshness at -18°C deep freeze until the expiration date.